


Nice to meet you, I’m Astrid Moulin.

I’ll quickly introduce myself so you know a little more about what’s going on around here. It’s difficult to talk about my work without going back a little to understand how I arrived where I am today.

I grew up in the south-east of France, between the Drôme and the Ardèche. Born into a family of entrepreneurs, I have always seen work as a means of fulfilment and expression. In 2014 I will fly to Toronto, Canada to learn English for a year. Spoiler alert: 6 years later I am still here, I have fulfilled my mission: I am fluent in English. Bonus: I have built a professional life that is tailor-made for me.

After having already had several lives and spent more than 10 years in a company I am now a freelance consultant.

So freelance consultant you’re going to tell me it’s a bit vague and it doesn’t exactly cover everything I do. Let me explain it to you quickly:

I specialize in digital marketing: strategy, analysis and creation. I can help you understand how to optimize your presence on social networks, help you choose what to post, when to post, how to engage your community and how to analyze all these numbers so that they make sense to you. I’ll tell you a little bit more about it here.

On the other hand, I’m a content creator. It’s a term we hear a lot lately but it’s still a little fuzzy, I’ll grant you that. In a few words: I can create editorial content for your website, blog or any other place where you need to put words. But also visual content! If you need someone to manage a photo shoot, give directions for style, the idea you can get across: I can help you too!

Finally I animate workshops and trainings. Either in groups or individually. During these sessions I share my experience and advice on given themes to help others to evolve professionally and personally. If you want to know more about the workshops I tell you everything in detail here.

If after all this my job is still a little bit unclear, already know that my job is unclear for 95% of the people around me and that there was no stress 10 years ago, I explain every aspect of this tailor-made job in the SERVICES section.

If you want to know more about my past experiences I suggest you to go and have a look on my LinkedIn which will allow you to learn more.

If you are curious, you can also check out my blog, a great resource for future immigrants to Canada!

Finally to see my work you can check out my portfolio which tells you about the cool projects I’ve been part of!

You didn’t find the answer to some questions or you want to tell me about your project? You can send me a message by clicking here.